The Chamber of Commerce
Handelskammer (The Chamber of Commerce) at Unternehmensservice Bremen
[list_item icon=”” icon_color=””]helps you with the preparation for setting up business and offers assistance with extensive advice on the way to self-employment;[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”” icon_color=””]offers foreign trade advice and is available to you with the team of the certification and carnet point. Here you will receive certificates of origin, carnets and membership certifications. Our team will also help you with customs questions and with legal specifications;[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”” icon_color=””]advises you on questions about training and offers support for training institutions – from application check to the completion of training contracts and the approval of the company that takes on trainees right up to registration of trainees with the Bremen Chamber of Commerce; [/list_item]
[list_item icon=”” icon_color=””]helps you when researching supplier sources. [/list_item]